Category Archives: News


Notice is hereby given of the Annual Easter General Vestry Meetings for 2021

This year, in line with advice from the General Synod, our Easter Vestry meetings will be held online using the video-conferencing system ‘Zoom.’ The dates of the meetings are:

Lough Eske Tuesday 20th April at 8pm,           Killymard Thursday 22nd April at 8pm,

Donegal Tuesday 27th April at 8pm,               Laghey Thursday 29th April at 8pm.


There are two ways of joining the meeting:


1. From a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung etc.), a tablet (iPad etc.) or a computer with a webcam:

  • If your device has a working camera, microphone and speakers/headphones you should be able to join with video and audio (you will see and be seen by others in the meeting).
  • On a smartphone or tablet it is best to download and install the Zoom App from App Store or Google Play before the meeting. On a computer/laptop this is optional.
  • At the time of the meeting, join the meeting by clicking the link available from the rector.

(Alternatively you can use Meeting ID and Passcode available from the rector)


A few further tips if you have not used Zoom before:

  • You may be told you are in a ‘waiting room’ – wait & you’ll soon be allowed into the meeting.
  • You may need to tap ‘Join Audio’ and ‘Start Video’ so you can be heard and seen.
  • You might need to tap ‘unmute’ to be heard.
  • If you want to leave the meeting, just tap the red ‘Leave’ button.


2. From any landline or mobile phone:

  • Dial 01 653 3898
  • When asked, enter the meeting ID (available from the rector) then #
  • When asked to “enter your participant ID” just press #
  • When asked, enter the meeting Passcode (available from the rector) then #
  • During the meeting, you can press * then 6 to mute or unmute yourself
  • When you want to leave, just hang up.


Recording – the meetings may be recorded, purely to help with producing minutes. Once the minutes have been made, the recordings will be deleted. Recordings will not be made public.


Practice run – I will host a practice run on Friday 16th April at 8pm for anyone who wants to get acquainted with Zoom and do a ‘dry run’ before the vestry meetings. You can join the practice in exactly the same way as the real meeting, by following the directions above.